Introduction to the Shariah
Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin's book "Introduction to Shariah" is one of the first attempts in the Russian-speaking space to raise the study of Shariah and its objectives to a new level, a level that would reflect both classical theology and modern accents. It is obvious that such a proactive approach can help Muslims to keep up with the times, and follow a direct path that has to be followed by our pious predecessors at the same time.
Despite the fact that the science of "Shariah goals" is a very difficult subject and studying it is not obligatory for all Muslims, however, we can assure our readers that this work will be useful for a variety of walks of life, for scholars, and for those who do not have degrees as well. This is due to the fact that the author included not only specialized sections of theology, but also topics that will interest a wide variety of readers.
ISBN | 978-5-9756--0100-1 |
УДК | 297 |
ББК | 86.38-6 |
Год издания | 2015 |
Author | Муфтий шейх Равиль Гайнутдин |